Stress-Proofing Your Year: The Rewards Of Being Organised

Plan and prepare for the year ahead by getting organised! Organising your space, social life and work plans can help you to feel much more positive. 

1. Tidy House = Tidy Mind

Tidying your space can clear out lots of subconscious clutter. Organising and tidying your home is a way of showing yourself respect. You deserve a tidy and clean space. Often when your space becomes untidy it is easy to fall into the habit of negative self-talk. You might call yourself lazy but truly you need to give yourself the grace that you deserve. 

Clearing up your space will clear your mind and will be one less thing on your plate. It can create a positive mood, reduce some stress and help you to feel relaxed when you return home from work.

2. Save Money

Organising your cupboards can help you to realise what you already have so that you don’t end up buying extras when they are not needed. Planning your meals ahead of time also ensures that you buy the food needed and stick to your meals instead of having to nip to the shop most days. 

This will save you lots of pennies in the long run. Organising meals can also help to make sure that you eat a healthy, varied diet contributing to your overall physical health.

3. Exercise

Organising and cleaning your space can become a bit of an all-round workout. As we know, exercise boosts endorphins making you feel mentally better.

4. Sense Of Control

Organising your calendar, work life and social commitments will provide you with a sense of control in a seemingly overwhelming calendar. 

Sometimes all you need to do is sit down with pen and paper and write down everything that you need to get done and a list of things you want to get done. From this, identify your priorities. Make sure to incorporate things that you want to do to ensure you have a healthy work-life balance.

5. Let Go Of Emotional Baggage

Physically removing items that are associated with pain will provide your brain with mental clarity. Physical reminders of hurt will wear the brain down and contribute to low mood. Donating items ensures that pre-loved items go to a new home so that they can make somebody else happy.

6. Sense Of Accomplishment

Following through with plans can help you to feel a sense of accomplishment and pride. You will feel a sense of pride with your work from achieving small tasks which will motivate you to keep going and start new projects.

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