Improve Work Mental Wellbeing

Decide if you can make changes to your workplace, then make action plans to do what you can

Enlisting involvement and help from co-workers will increase office buy-in, cohesiveness and positive relationships, the key components of workplace mental health. You might alter the office space, change the colours, brighten up a break room—anything that improves the environment (think plants and colourful pictures) improves mental wellbeing at work.

Be proactive with your stress level so you maintain a healthy balance

Too much anxiety-stress at work can take a toll on mental health by decreasing motivation, ambition, and drive. Work hard, but take organised and frequent, short breaks. Stretch, walk around the office or outside, just move somewhere, breathe deeply, drink water, eat a nutritious snack. Doing small but healthy things energises you. Listening to music has been proven to influence mood and decrease stress.

Create and manage daily goals

Start each day by making an intentional, focused on the present plan. Determine the best way to approach your tasks both effectively and efficiently. Procrastination, being disorganised, and lack of direction decrease mental wellbeing. Being mindful of what you’re doing is very powerful in increasing wellbeing at work too, for when you are mindful, you are focused on what you are doing in the present moment rather than letting your brain run away with distracted, anxious, intrusive, or other negative thoughts.

Form connections

Sometimes, work makes people feel more isolated even though there are others around. Stress can make everyone very impatient and irritable. Anxiety keeps people apart as we are afraid of others judging us. Studies have highlighted the importance of strong social connections that help mental wellbeing. If you feel disconnected or isolated, change that. Start by reaching out to just one co-worker or friend. Having good relationships also will foster good mental wellbeing at work.

Intentionally develop your values and sense of purpose

Knowing your greater purpose makes many things much more tolerable. You can journal your thoughts and emotions. Getting your values and purpose out of your head and out onto paper in front of you makes them more real. When you know your reason (purpose), you can cope with situations that you can’t change because you know you’re doing it for a greater purpose in your life. This helps in improving our mental health & wellbeing also.

A final thought to add to improve mental wellbeing at work: develop a solution focused outlook. Negativity feeds negativity and grows larger, often over an entire workplace-office. When someone complains, others join in, refuse to join, do not allow yourself to be part of it. That results in keeping things stuck, even toxic. Excuse yourself from negative words or conversations and pay attention to your own words. Being solution focused-rather than problem-oriented focused makes a big difference in your mental wellbeing at work and beyond.

Learn more about Healthy Mind Coaching and Training by calling Sam today on 07906 869616 or email: [email protected]

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Sam, a seasoned mental wellbeing & Life coach and therapist, offers a unique blend of Cognitive Behavioural Coaching, tailored counselling, and personalised strategies to address issues like anxiety, stress, and communication. With accreditations from reputable institutions, including the European Mentoring Coaching Council, Sam’s approach is designed to empower individuals in their personal and professional development. Whether you’re seeking growth in your career or balance in your personal life, Sam’s expertise can help you achieve your goals. Take control of your wellbeing and connect with Sam today.

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